Australia-US Space Launch Agreement

The Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT) has recently released a report endorsing the ratification of an important treaty action between Australia and the United States. This agreement, titled the "Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America on Technology Safeguards Associated with United States Participation in Space Launches from Australia," paves the way for collaboration in space launches between the two nations.

Committee Chair, Mr. Josh Wilson MP, highlighted the significance of this agreement in aligning with Australia's national interests while also fostering the growth of the Australian space industry. He emphasized the positive impact the agreement would have on developing a skilled workforce within the space sector and providing increased opportunities for Australian companies. Additionally, Mr. Wilson pointed out that the increase in US investment and activity resulting from the agreement would benefit the Australian economy.

The primary objective of the agreement is to safeguard US technology launched from Australia and ensure that it remains under US control. It establishes a legal and technical framework to protect US launch vehicles, spacecraft, related equipment, and technical data. This framework enables US companies, government organizations, and universities to engage in commercial space launch activities in Australia.

The Committee fully supports the ratification of this agreement and recommends taking binding treaty action to formalize the partnership between Australia and the United States in the realm of space launches. The report containing detailed information about the agreement and the Committee's recommendation can be accessed on the Committee's website.

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