Exciting news from One Giant Leap Australia

On the 4th of September 2021, I did a livestream with Jackie Carpenter one of the founders of One Giant Leap Australia and I found out all about the magnificent work she is doing for students based across Australia to get them excited about careers in not only STEM but in the Australian Space Industry.

In November 2021 - not even 2 months later - Jackie had some more news to talk about and I thought this would be an opportunity to find out more of what is happening behind the scenes of One Giant Leap Australia.

Some of the projects she is working on have involved:

  • Sending and returning Wattle Seeds to the International Space Station

  • Kibo Robot Programming Challenge: An educational program in which students solve various problems by programming free-flying robots (Astrobee and Int-Ball) on orbit in the International Space Station (ISS)

  • The International SpaceCRAFT Exploration Challenge: This involved student working as part of a mission team: -

    • to design spacecraft navigate to another planet,

    • land their vehicle - build a planetary habitat, and

    • explore a new planet to find resources in order to sustain human life.

Students were able to learn from subject matter experts including astronauts, scientists and engineers who are directly involved in ongoing missions as they compete with other teams for the best mission design


Selling the Aussie Rocket


LIVE: Discussing To the Stars Documentary - The story of Gilmour Space Technologies