Chatting about Space | Hon. Susan Close - Deputy Premier of South Australia

I was able to get an interview with the Deputy Premier of South Australia - Hon. Susan Close!

We managed to nerd out and chat all about the Australian Space Industry, orbital sustainability and what the industry will look like for the future of South Australia.

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UK/Australia Space Bridge

In February 2021, Australia signed an agreement with the UK to form a Space Bridge strengthening ties between our two countries.

The Space Bridge Framework Arrangement focuses on areas such as:

  • Government-to-government collaboration on space programs and technology

  • Trade and investment, including commercial contracts and collaboration

  • Research and education

For this livestream, I will be speaking with Tracy Thompson the Chair of Open Universities Space Society.

We will be discussing:

  • Her journey to set up the OU Space Society: from Plastics Engineer to society chair

  • What the space bridge might mean in terms of research and education between Australia and the UK

  • How her other interests in fusion energy and forensic science/criminology have shaped her new interest in Astronomy and Planetary Science During the livestream

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Future Aussienauts with Dr Jason Held - CEO Saber Astronautics

In 2021 the possibility of Aussienauts became very real with the announcement of an MoU between Saber Astronautics and Axiom Space to provide access to the International Space Station on the new and privately owned, Axiom Space Station. Dr Jason Held is the CEO of Saber Astronautics who headed up this agreement and during this livestream we will explore how this all came about and what this means for Australia

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LIVE: Discussing To the Stars Documentary - The story of Gilmour Space Technologies

On the 24th of October 2021, a documentary To the Stars was shown at the New Farm Five Star Cinemas all about the early years of Gilmour Space Technologies and their creation of the One Vision rocket. We will be sharing our experiences and impressions of the documentary with you as it will only have a limited showing around Queensland.

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Cows on Mars?

When we eventually go to Mars - will we take cows with us?

I caught up with a fellow Aussie with a huge interest in Mars - Dr. Dianne McGrath. We spoke in-depth all about how we could potentially live on Mars answering the fundamental question - will we be able to take cows with us?

You'll be surprised by the answer!

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Australia Space Launch - Launch party, interview and a MOBILE launch facility

In May 2020, I was invited to a launch party during COVID-19 lockdown with Australia’s very own Space Family - Australia Space Launch.

Together we watched the Demo 2 Mission carry NASA astronauts Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken to the International Space Station in the first crewed orbital spaceflight launched from the United States since the final Space Shuttle mission, STS-135, in 2011.

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Australia's Surprising History in Space (Episode 2 - The Space Down Under)

MARCH 2020: Australia has a very surprising history in Space. We have been involved in the Space business for a very long time. In this episode I am taking a closer look at our involvement over the decades with a top 10 list of historical and no-so-historical missions Australia has been involved in through the Deep Space Network.

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The Hybrid Rocket Engine that can be Fired on School Grounds!

Products for Industry have developed a hybrid rocket engine which can be fired on school grounds - sounds nuts right?!?! It isn't. This video walks through what Nick Green, the General Manager of Defence and Aerospace for PFI, has been working on to get kids excited about space and the science which lies behind it.

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Australia's Surprising History in Space - Episode 1 (YouTube)

(12 April 2019) The formation of the Australian Space Agency got me thinking...has Australia been involved in the space industry? What have we done? Turns out, we have been supporting deep space missions in this country since 1962. This video looks at my own personal journey as a space nerd and uncovers surprising facts about Australia and our involvement in the space industry!

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